Monday, November 29, 2010

What I think Art is!

Art I believe is different to everyone. There is no clear definition to art. Art is somewhat of an emotion/emotions.They help express feeling by using color and the use of imagination. Art is our imagination on paper that we can express. Art is limitless which means that art will probably never end. Art is so wide based to the beginning of time with the cave men and their cave drawings to our new advanced art of technology like computers, phones, laptops, etc. No art is bad because art is whatever you want it to be and anyone can be an artist. Color is a big part of art. It shows the true meaning of the piece and makes us think if the piece is sad by the colors of blue, black, purple, or other cool colors. We can tell if the piece is happy or excited by warm colors like red and yellow that are bright and cheery! I love art because you can express all of your feeling just by painting it or drawing it! Art is a stress reliever to me and it helps to have it as a class in my schedule! :) 

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